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  • ECFE Preschool Readiness

    Our Preschool Readiness class is two days a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am -11:30am. On Tuesdays, caregivers and children will attend together. Class will include all the typical ECFE components: parent/child interaction time, a parenting discussion, engaging learning activities for children, and an interactive circle for you to take part in together! This class provides a supportive separating experience for you and your child. On Thursdays, children will be dropped off and have time to practice preschool routines independently. Caregivers will have an asynchronous parenting education opportunity. This may include a podcast, book, article, and/or other relevant information to enrich our weekly parenting discussions. If sibling care is needed, please contact Sara Chovan at for availability. Please sign up even if class is full so we can judge numbers for possible additional classes in the summer!