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  • ECFE Summer Infant Class

    What an exciting adventure you are on as a parent of a baby! It takes a village to support your family during the infant years and beyond. This class will provide you with parenting education from a licensed Parenting Educator. along with the shared experiences of other parents who are transitioning to parenthood, navigating sleep, feeding, caring for themselves and their families, relationships, and more. The class will include time to play and interact with your baby, information on newborn development and parenting topics, along with an interactive circle time with songs, stories, and movement. Expecting parents are welcome and new arrivals are always encouraged to register throughout the year. We understand that babies cry, and sometimes during class, they may be sleepy or need to eat. This class is "come as you are" and we embrace this as being a welcoming place to experience the realities of parenting. Sibling care is not offered for summer infant classes. If you have questions please email Sara Chovan at Please sign up even if class is full so we can judge numbers for possible additional classes in the summer!